Customer Testimonials

~The Neu Family
~The Neu Family
“We want to thank you for all your suggestions in helping us to design such a beautiful stained glass monument for our loved ones. It has been a pleasure working with you!”
~The Himelick Family
~The Himelick Family
“The monument looks wonderful! You did a great job in fulfilling my wishes. The craftsmen involved with the monument did an outstanding job. My family members are very proud of it which makes me feel really good. Thanks so much for all your care with the ...
“On behalf of our family, we greatly appreciate every moment and thought that you gave to make mom’s monument such a beautiful tribute. It gives us a place to honor our beloved David and will always stand as a symbol of her personality, strength and gracious style. Thank you for ...
“Thanks for both your message and these pictures! The monument looks wonderful (we make a good design team!) It truly was a pleasure to work with you. You made a process that I feared would be extremely painful a comfortable one.”
“Love it! Love it! Love it! We love it!! Every bit of it! Ian says it is “Perfect”! It is just what we envisioned! Thank-you and everyone who had a part in creating David’s tombstone!! Thank-you so very much, Stu.”
~The Bain Family
~The Bain Family
“Love it. The stone is gorgeous.. it turned out way better than I expected. Thank you. I have gotten so many remarks about the stone. One of a kind.”